Hi, my name is Angel. I’m currently a Curtin University student in Perth, Australia. Studying science here requires band 7.0 IELTS for each skill. I remember when I started studying with Peter, that at the beginning I did not know anything about IELTS; all my skills were so horrible that I felt hopeless, but I needed a 6.0 to apply to Curtin. He showed me how to pronounce words the right way, how to speak fluently; how to improve my reading skills by skimming & scanning, an easier way to listen and how to create writing structures using suitable vocabulary. After 8 weeks I got my 6.0 and now after 17 months in Australia I have a 25% scholarship at my university. In conclusion, I believe you guys will have a great time studying with my knowledgeable tutor and receive the necessary skills to be successful.

- Angel, Curtin University, Australia -